About us


What's WarSpotting?
WarSpotting is a database of documented material losses during Russian invasion in Ukraine. We use photo evidences found accross open sources on the web such as social media as proofs.
Do you also keep track of personnel losses?
No we don't, other researchers do. Check out these to get started: the list of identified Russian soldiers or the list of Russians committing suicide on the battlefield.
Can your data be trusted?
No it can't. Photos can be forged or misattributed. On top of that amount of photos available online nowhere near reflects actual losses. Even so, it might still be closer to reality than any claims being made by any official across the board.
How is it useful anyway?
Data we store might be helpful for open source intelligence. It can be used by independent reporters, investigator teams, even governments, and ultimately everyone who considers fact-checked reality a virtue.
Can I or my org reuse your data?
Yes you can, with appropriate credit. Try not to scrape our website but contact us instead, if you believe you have special needs.
Can I contribute?
Absolutely. Came across a photo/video featuring weapon loss or action you feel has never been reported before? Simply grab it (take a screenshot, if needed) and upload it here. Our admins are going to evaluate it and publish, if it looks good. No insights but still want to help? Consider supporting us financially. We are real people, and maintenance cost is real, too.
Who are you and what side do you support?
We are team of non-profit non-affiliated volunteers. We stand for justice and international law, and support any party that abides by it.


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  • You MUST respect local laws when obtaining and distributing media.
  • You MUST only submit media from trusted and/or authentic sources that are not affiliated with any malicious party.
  • You MUST follow the guidelines when submitting new media.
  • You MUST NOT use this website for malicious purposes, which include but are not limited to: collecting personal data, bullying, harassment, hate speech, fraud, producing fakes etc.
  • We reserve the right to limit your access to this website in case of blatant or repeated violation of these terms.

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